About Me

Hello! My name is Sara and I'm from Boston. I was introduced to the FODMAP Diet in January of 2019 during a visit to my nutritionist. I went to her with some concerns about IBS-M symptoms and after just a couple of minutes explaining my situation, the light bulb turned on in her head and she quite confidently recommended that I try eliminating FODMAPs.

After only a few days of eliminating, I began to really notice a difference. My symptoms subsided substantially and people were noticing that I seemed to be "happier" and "brighter." This was when I knew that this FODMAP thing was something special.

As I continue through my low-FODMAP journey, I will be sharing recipes I find (or create!), helpful resources, and more. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on a post, or email me at sarajtepper@gmail.com.

Thanks for visiting my site! 😄
