
There are so many websites out there that have helped me find fun new ideas for low FODMAP meals, as well as learn more information about this diet and what foods I am able to eat. These sources are way more qualified than I am to provide you with detailed information about FODMAP elimination, so if you are unsure of anything on my website, please check these out to find answers!

The websites I have listed here are the ones I find myself going to most often. I've included a little summary for each about who they are and what they're useful for. I will continue to add to this list as I find more useful resources!

Monash University is the leading researcher for all things FODMAP. Their website is full of information about FODMAPs and IBS in general that can help you to understand why your body reacts to certain foods the way it does. They also have an app called "Monash University FODMAP diet" that pretty much anyone who has ever eliminated FODMAPs absolutely swears by.

Kate Scarlata is an RDN from Massachusetts who is well-known for her experience in the world of FODMAPs. Here site (as well as her books) provides great information on the low FODMAP diet, as well as printable PDFs with what you can and can't eat, shopping lists, creative food ideas, and more! You should definitely follow her Instagram as well! @katescarlata

A Little Bit Yummy is a great resource for recipes, and they also offer a subscription service for meal plans! Their blog is a great place to read about FODMAPs, IBS, and more. This website was founded by Alana Scott, and she has since brought a team on board to help her provide amazing information! She even has a book coming out in March 2019.

LoFo Pantry is not only a provider of low-FODMAP foods, but their website also includes so much awesome information to help you understand this diet. They even have a great tool on their homepage that allows you to choose a food group and see which foods in this group are low- and high-FODMAP. Or "lofo" and "hifo," as I like to call them. 😊

The FODMAP Diet Tips and Support Facebook group is run by Dr. Kristen Bentson, who is extremely knowledgeable in all things nutrition and gut health. She is extremely active on Instagram (@thefodmapdoctor and @drkristenbentson). This Facebook group is an incredible place to relate with others going through the low FODMAP diet experience, as well as ask questions and learn new information about food products, recipes, or anything else your heart desires! She recently released a book on FODMAPs called "The Cool Girl's Guide to the FODMAP Diet" and I CANNOT wait to get my own copy! 
